Guided Tours for Individuals

Immerse yourself in 1,000 years of German history. Since the High Middle Ages, Merseburg Cathedral has been the scene of key developments in politics, society and art history, and today it takes visitors on an enchanting journey from the Romanesque to the Baroque to the Romantic period. In addition to the cathedral, it is also possible to visit the chapter house, the chapter house garden and the manuscript vault, with its legendary Merseburg Incantations. We offer daily guided tours of the cathedral including regular tours high up to the towers or down into the atmospheric princely crypt. For an individual tour, we have created an audio guide that explains the changing history of the cathedral, important protagonists such as Henry and Cunigunde as well as the treasures to be found in the cathedral treasury.  

We look forward to your visit! Please note that tours are only offered in German. You can, however, bring an individual translator with you.


We show you the most magnificent and mysterious side of Merseburg Cathedral, starting with the impressive Romanesque architecture, through figures from history to the legends and myths surrounding the Merseburg Incantations, Rudolf of Swabia and Thilo von Trotha.

April to October
Montag bis Donnerstag            11.00 Uhr | 13.00 Uhr
Freitag und Samstag                 11.00 Uhr | 13.00 Uhr | 15.00 Uhr
Sonntag, kirchl. Feiertag          13.00 Uhr | 15.00 Uhr

November bis März
Montag bis Donnerstag            11.00 Uhr
Freitag und Samstag                 11.00 Uhr | 13.00 Uhr
Sonntag, kirchl. Feiertag          13.00 Uhr

Duration: approx. 60 min
Kosten: 12,50 € für Erwachsene, 9 € ermäßigt, 3,00 € für Schüler

Please note the changes in tour hours in September due to concert rehearsels for the Merseburg Organ Days. All guided tours are in German. You can, however, bring an individual translator with you.

Tour of the princely crypt

On every last Sunday of the month we will guide you down into the princely crypt of the Merseburg Cathedral. The three medieval chapels were built between the 13th and 16th century, but only in the 17th century did Duke Christian I of Saxe-Merseburg name them the burial site for his dynasty. 37 closely detailed coffins made of tin and wood are on display here. They remind of the cathedral’s usage as Baroque court church and tell a lot about

burial customs of the House of Wettin during the Baroque era.

Every last Sunday of the month: 2 p.m.
Cost: 5.00 €

Due to limited capacities, we advise you to make a prior reservation via our Visitor Centre oder den Erwerb eines Online-Tickets.

Tower tour

Hier geht es hoch hinaus! Über die sogenannte Königstreppe führen wir Sie bis auf den beeindruckenden Dachstuhl des Doms. Vorbei am Glockengeläut mit Glocken aus dem 11. und 12. sowie 15. und 16. Jahrhundert geht es bis zur Aussichtsplattform des Süd-West-Turms. Der fantastische Blick über die Domanlage und die Dächer der Stadt bis weit hinein in die Region belohnt für den atemraubenden Aufstieg. April to October Freitag bis Sonntag, kirchl. Feiertag: 14.00 Uhr Kosten: 5,00 € für Erwachsene, 1,50 € für Schüler Tickets Not suitable for persons with a fear of heights. Sensible footwear must be worn. The tower climb is not suitable for children under 6 years old.

Tour with audio guide

Our guests can also use our audio guide for their tour of Merseburg Cathedral. This is included in the price of admission. Let yourself be guided through the cathedral, the chapter house and past a wealth of art treasures. The audio guide provides detailed information on all the highlights such as the Merseburg Incantations, the tomb of Rudolf of Swabia and the Henry Altar by Lucas Cranach the Elder. You can also listen to the imposing Ladegast organ or mysterious legends such as the story of the raven or the mummified hand.

Duration: approx. 120 min
Languages: German, English

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